
Health Condition

Brittle Nails

About This Condition

Brittle nails can be weak, thin, nails that peel or break easily, and/or grow slowly.

The common condition of brittle nails is often not definitively linked with any known cause. Nonetheless, natural medicine may be able to help strengthen brittle nails.

Most conditions that affect nails are unrelated to nutrition; they are caused by a lack of oxygen associated with lung conditions, hemorrhage due to infection, or inflammation around the nail due to infection. If there is any question about what the problem is, it is important to get a diagnosis from a healthcare practitioner.


People with brittle nails may have frequent or easy breaking, cracking, splitting, or tearing of their nails.

Other Therapies

Therapy involves the intake of adequate nutrition; especially protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, calcium, and iron; the use of gloves when washing dishes, and the avoidance of drying chemicals, such as nail polish remover. Treatment of an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid deficiency or poor circulation, may be necessary.


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3. Halliday C. A new treatment for brittle nails. Canad Nurse 1959;55:348.

4. Rosenberg S, Oster KA, Kallos A, Burroughs W. Further studies in the use of gelatin in the treatment of brittle nails. AMA Arch Derm 1957;76:330-5.

5. Derzavis JL, Mulinos MG. The brittle nail. Its treatment and prevention with gelatin. Med Ann DC 1961;30:133-7.

6. Mirkin G. Gelatin doesn't cure brittle nails. DrMirkin.com [last checked 2007 May 3, cited 2001 Mar 20]. Available from URL: http://www.drmirkin.com/nutrition/8472.html.

7. The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books, ed. The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies for Women. New York: Bantam Books, 1998.

8. Swinburne LM. Glucosamine sulphate and osteoarthritis. Lancet2001;357:1617 [Letter].

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